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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
5 Natural Home Remedies for Constipation

Americans Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Are You a Candidate For Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Benefits of a Herbal Colon Cleansing Supplement

Bowtrol Probiotics

Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeast. According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: ‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’. [1] Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the most common type of microbes used. LAB have been used in the food industry for many years, because they are able to convert sugars (including lactose) and other carbohydrates into lactic acid. This not only provides the characteristic sour taste of fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, but acts as a preservative, by lowering the pH and creating fewer opportunities for spoilage organisms to grow.
Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora to reestablish themselves. They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists, after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis. Claims are made that probiotics strengthen the immune system. [2]
The rationale for probiotics is that the body contains a miniature ecology of microbes, collectively known as the gut flora. A number of bacterial types are thought to be thrown out of balance by a wide range of circumstances including the use of antibiotics or other drugs, excess alcohol, stress, disease, or exposure to toxic substances. In cases like these, the bacteria that work well with our bodies (see symbiosis) may decrease in number, an event which allows harmful competitors to thrive, to the detriment of our health.
Maintenance of a healthy gut flora is, however, dependent on many factors, especially the quality of food intake. Including a significant proportion of prebiotic foods in the diet has been demonstrated to support a healthy gut flora and may be another means of achieving the desirable health benefits promised by probiotics.
Experiments into the benefits of probiotic therapies suggest a range of potentially beneficial medicinal uses for probiotics. For many of the potential benefits, research is limited and only preliminary results are available. It should be noted that the effects described are not general effects of probiotics. All effects can only be attributed to the strain(s) tested, not to the species, nor to the whole group of LAB (or other probiotics).
Constipation Remedies: 5 Natural Constipation Remedies

Constipation: An Overview of its Causes and Symptoms

Homemade Colon Cleanse

Homemade Colon Cleanse Part 2

How to Eliminate Constipation Using Enemas Part 1

How to Eliminate Constipation Using Enemas Part 2

How to Protect Yourself from and Get Rid Of Pregnancy Constipation

How to Relieve and Treat Constipation with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Sam was fifteen years when he had to be admitted into the hospital for what seemed like symptoms of appendicitis. After some careful tests, he was diagnosed to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is the same with quite a few people who are sufferers of IBS. Unfortunately, some individuals are not as lucky as they have a combination of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. As the saying goes, you’ve got two devils to deal with. The question is “which comes first?”.
People –there are many- who suffer from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome find it very discomforting. One of them alone is bad enough; not to mention when you’ve got the two of them together. Sometimes, this condition is referred to as IBS-C. It is one of the three constipation types available.
However, a specific, fail-proof treatment for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome has not been found even as we speak. There could be varied combinations but more often than not, they seem to contradict each other. For instance, the bran that would normally work well for constipation is very antagonistic to irritable bowel symptom as it actually irritates the stomach walls.
While it can be said that there are varied treatments for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome, research is still being conducted into what drug would be able to specifically and wholly treat every case of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. In the meantime, each sufferer might just have to learn what treatment combinations would be right for him. The basic forms of treatment for constipation might not be able to relieve that of IBS. For instance, gluten which is a very effective compound useful in the treatment of constipation alone would not do well for patients suffering from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. That’s why you would have to find what works for you. You could try eating gluten-free diets and see if it produces any form of relief.
In the meantime, there is an effective solution that is recommended for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. It is called Bowtrol. It is a complete colon cleanser. It also relieves all symptoms of constipation such as abdominal pains and cramps, constipation and bloating. Thankfully, it is not designed to be taken for life. All it takes is just one month of use depending on your prescription. Anyways, you could try it out if you’ve been suffering from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome and see how it goes. It’s been proven time and again that it works and can eliminate constipation with irritable bowel syndrome.
How to Treat and Eliminate Infant Constipation Part 1

Infant constipation is a common health issue. As a result, parents have to understand what infant constipation is. For those who have experienced what it looks and feels like, it can be both a harrowing and an eye-opening experience. A child is diagnosed of infant constipation when the child finds it difficult to poop when it should. This is a scary thing and if you know the potential harm, you should be scared too for the life of the baby.
When children have constipation, you'll notice various trends in them. They'll find it hard to poop. They will strain a lot just to pass out feces and they may cry a lot as a result of the discomfort they are feeling.
Infant constipation can be caused by many factors. Foremost of them is the switching from breast milk to formula or the changing of formulas without consulting with their pediatrician first. However if a child has inadequate fluid in her body system, she is likely to develop constipation because of the body's tendency to absorb fluid from the food material traveling along the digestive tract. You should also not that infants must pas their first stool within 24 hours after birth. If the child doesn’t do this after 48 hours, then it is possible that there is a more dangerous malady affecting the infant and causing her not to be able to poop. You would have to consult the pediatrician for diagnosis.
Since constipation is not limited to just adults alone, infants have them too. Quoting Dr. John R.Christopher in the book "Childhood Diseases", "over ninety percent of all diseases and malfunctions of children’s bodies (as with adults) stem from the unclean intestinal tract, constipation, with infrequent or difficult evacuation of the feces, retention of the feces, and lack of coordination in the nerve and muscle functions of the colon and bowel”. So, you see that constipation is not in the exclusive preserve of the adults alone.
Hence to sustain an optimal bodily function in your child, you'll need to ensure that your child passes her stools as and when due. Give your child enough fluids to take. Do not switch abruptly from breast milk to formula or from one formula to another without consulting a pediatrician.
Popular myths such as the use of glycerin suppositories should be shunned as even doctors do not advise it. It is better to have a small amount of water inserted in the infant's colon using an infant bulb syringe. Also, karo syrup is not in any way good for a baby's health as it contains sugar which is extremely unhealthy for babies.
Mineral oil too which is made up of hydrocarbons is highly dissuaded as it has no nutritional value in the body of the child but only interferes with the absorption of vitamins in the body.
How to Treat and Eliminate Infant constipation Part 2

In Part one of these series, we looked at the various causes of infant constipation and the myths surrounding the use of certain "cures" such as laxatives, suppositories et.c In this concluding part, we'll be examining the varied solutions available to us in the eliminating of infant constipation.
1. Do not under any circumstances give infants enemas or laxatives. This can cause so much havoc in the nearest future as they do not have a body system that can take the stress of breaking down all that amount of chemical.
2. For as long as possible, breast fed the child as this is the easiest food type that the baby can break down.
3. Give lots of water. As a newborn don’t give more than a small eye-dropper full of water. As your baby grows up and comes of age, give a bottle of water to her to suck on throughout the day. If you feel there is a need for it, add a little Rooibos tea (cooled) to the water-bottle. In case you are wondering what a Rooibos tea is, it is a natural tea made from herbs (Aspalathus Linearis) found only in the South African Cedarberg mountains.
4. Use magnesium popularly found in the form of magnesium citrate. This aids the contraction of the peristaltic muscles resulting in bowel evacuation. Apart from this, it enables the muscles of the intestine to function maximally. When giving it to the child, it is better to start with 1/16 of a tablespoon added to water which is given to the child. This can be continually applied until the child consistently has satisfactory bowel movements.
5. Use baby enema. To do this, apply olive oil to the tip of a bulb syringe containing about one to three (1-3) tablespoons of lukewarm water, and insert gently in the baby's colon. Be careful that there is no air in the bulb. After a few minutes, your baby should naturally have a bowel movement. Do this until satisfied.
6. Massage the baby. This simple act can ease tension in the baby, improves digestion, improves the growth of the baby and generally helps her fight off diseases.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - a condition that affects many

Natural Remedies Useful in Relieving Constipation

Tips and Information on Foods That Relieve Constipation

Tips on Baby Constipation Treatment

Mark is a 5 month old baby. He has not had any sort of bowl movement for close to one week now. His parents have tried all sorts of medication to help ease the constipation: putting one-and-a-half teaspoonful of light Karo syrup in his bottles, massaging his tummy, placing him on a diet of prunes, to giving one table spoon of cereal after his bottles. Up till now, there has been no improvement and from the way things are looking, there may be no baby constipation remedy unless a “miracle” occurs. Mark’s parents, John and Jessica have been extremely worried and concerned as they are at a loss for what to do and would only use laxatives as a last resort. Does the above scenario depict what you or someone you know are currently going through? It is only natural that you be extremely worried about what is happening to your child. Not to worry though, we might just be able to figure out what to do to help your child have the bowel movements you desire. Baby constipation remedy can be easily gotten if you know what to do. Before going into how to get the baby constipation remedy, we need to know what the causes of constipation in babies are.
1. Constipation could be as a result of the formula used in feeding the baby. Changing the formula used in feeding the baby can cause the baby’s body to take its time before adapting to the new formula.
2. Lack of breast feeding. Some babies who are fed with just formulas have been known to poop once in three days compared to their breast fed counterparts who go at least once a day.
3. The form of the formula. If it is powder, ensure there is no packing when measuring. This basically means no compressing when you are measuring the formula.
4. The current atmospheric temperature. What is the current temperature of your locality? If it is pretty hot, then it might be responsible for your baby’s slower bowel movement.
However, the baby constipation remedy you need varies. You can try using a glycerin suppository. When using this, ensure that you put a little K-Y jelly on the suppository and insert in the baby’s rectum. Then hold the buttocks together so the suppository does not slide out. After this, give a warm bath. This helps the baby relax and have a bowel movement soon. Watch out however, as you might just have to deal with cleaning the stool from the bathtub as the baby may go right there. If on the other hand you don’t like baby constipation remedy stated above, you can try using a poop inducer available as a natural remedy ( Check online for the website and become an affiliate). It is a perfectly safe digestion stimulant. What’s more, it doesn’t cost a fortune to have and can be used by all age grades -adults inclusive.
Top 5 Options for Colon Cleansing Treatments

Top 5 Tips On How to Effectively Cleanse the Colon

What kinds of Food for Constipation are best

Eat this. No don't eat that. Don't even touch that! It's the kind of advice we keep getting daily. "If you eat excess fatty substances, you sure wont be able to poop". From the media to even our friends and loved ones, all we get is advice on what to eat or what not to. How do you decide what is good for you? How do you know what food for constipation is best? Given the fact that there seems to be so many "proven experts" in the market telling us what to eat and what not to. Who cares anyways! What if you could eat anything you literally want to eat and be sure that if there is any form of constipation, you'll eliminate it by nightfall. Would that be nice?
Well, there are quite a few people out there who can boast of providing a quick fix like that. However, if you've got constipation, you can eliminate it as fast as possible eating certain food for constipation. There are quite a few around:
1. Figs and Dates.
These are fruits high in fiber content. They take about twenty four hours before results can be seen. Because of its nature, figs enhance the process of digestion and are a rich source of fiber and minerals. This is not to mention the fact that they -figs and dates- produce serotonin.
2. Using Grapes
Eating one or two pounds of grapes in a day will greatly reduce the incidence of constipation. Grapes contain a high quantity of minerals and vitamins, high fiber content, and manganese. They are a great laxative and bring instant relief to the stomach.
3. Pawpaw
Pawpaw also known as Carica papaya is a well known fruit containing the enzyme papain. But not many know it for its qualities as a food for constipation. The high mineral content of the pawpaw reduces cell waste, gets rid of stomach mucus and colon mucus. To use them effectively, you can eat in between meals or add to smoothies.
4. Persimmon
Another important food for constipation, Persimmons have been reputed to be as highly nutritious as an apple and some claim it may yield better results for the heart. This is because of the high content of fiber and minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron et.c These minerals including phenolic compounds are anti-oxidants and as a result, colon cleaners. For quick results, eat two to three of it daily.
5. Plums
These are fruits with high mineral content in addition to having a gentle laxative property. They are very effective in clearing gas from the bowels.
6. Prunes
These are plums that are dried. So the both of them can be used interchangeably. But prunes are generally more effective food for constipation than plums are. Because of the high iron content prunes are generally considered one of the best ways to relieve constipation.
7. Raspberry
The raspberry is a fruit rich in Vit A and C. It is also rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Eating them during the day in copious quantities will relieve your constipation fast.

In the first part of these series on constipation help, we examined the causes of constipation and also stated one of the solutions. In this concluding part, we will be seeing the five various tips leading to the cure of constipation.
1. Exercise
Individuals who do a lot more exercise are often better physically that those who live a sedentary life. They look younger, brighter, their eyes sparkle, they have boundless energy and are generally healthier. They have a limitless zest for life and as a result of all these can fight diseases because they have a vibrant, healthy immune system. Recent stats have proved that people who lead sedentary lives are more easily prone to constipation that those who are active. So, just getting up and walking around the block in the morning is good enough to get your bowels moving.2. Hyperosmolar Laxatives
These are compounds that can’t be digested or absorbed into the intestine. As a result they remain in the colon to retain the water that is in the colon. Hence, there is a softening of the stool as a result of the presence of moisture. Examples of this are sorbitol, lactulose and polyethylene glycol. These laxatives are only available by prescription. They have side effects –hence the restriction in access to it- and are used for the long term treatment of constipation. Part of the side effects it has on the body is abdominal bloating and flatulence. This occurs as a result of the laxative being digested by bacteria and its subsequent turning into gas. If this continues, a reduction in the dosage usually reduces the incidence of bloating and flatulence. In some cases however, the gas may reduce in volume by itself.
3. Saline Laxatives
These are laxatives that are made up ions that can’t be absorbed by the colon. Examples of such ions are phosphate, citrate which can be found in the following combinations: sodium phosphate, and magnesium hydroxide. They function by drawing water into the colon which in return softens that stool. This constipation help method has its disadvantages. The disadvantages of using saline laxatives are people with weak kidneys may find it hard to expel resulting in the formation of kidney stones. This happens if it is used over a long period of time. Thus, short term usage in perfect order. It may also cause diarrhea which may lead to dehydration if the amount of fluid lost by the body is not replaced immediately. Saline laxatives are found in solutions such as Milk of magnesia or Epsom Salt.
4. Stimulant LaxativesThese incite the small intestine and colon muscles to push their substance faster. This they do by increasing the water content in the small intestine or inhibiting the amount of water absorbed by the colon. These laxatives can be found in Castor oil, Senna and Aloe Vera oils. They are quite useful in alleviating and curing constipation but also has its disadvantages. Because of its potency, it can instigate diarrhea which would result in dehydration if the individual does not take liquids. They can also cause intestinal cramping and long term intensive use can result in colon damage and worse constipation.Finally, not all of the constipation help methods are applicable. You can either consult your physician or get a a quick, fast relief from constipation. The methods mentioned above could take quite a few days before you can start seeing results. However, there is a quick solution. You can treat your constipation in less than 24 hrs and be totally free.5 Helpful Tips for Constipation Treatment -Part 1